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Ollie Phillips


Programme Manager, Personal Trainer & Functional Therapist

15 Years in the Indusrty

10 Years Fitness Management

TV Documentries

Health and Fitness Columns for media

Ollie has been involved within the fitness industry for over 15 years. Starting out as a PT in Australia from 2001.


“I have progressed through the years developing my own skills to cater for the wider audience who wish to better their Health or Fitness levels.


I have been a fitness manager for over 10 years starting out in the commercial chain of Fitness First and the transferring to Nuffield health corporate division.


I have represented Wales and been Welsh Champion within Cycling."

Quick CV…


Personal Trainer and Functional Therapist since 2001

Manager Fitness First Cardiff 2006-2009

Programme Manager Nuffield Health, Cardiff Gate, Bulmer’s Factory Hereford 2009-2016

TV documentaries SKY LIVING and SKY 1 Obese a year to save my life, Fat the fight of my life 2012 and 2014

Columnist Western Mail and Wales Online

Programme Manager SWH Cardiff 2016

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